Solutions To Top Seven Owner Challenges

  By Barb Bruno  |    Mon Mar 10, 2014

Category: Columns, Expert Advice

We hire type A, assertive sales people who are motivated by money. Challenges and issues do occur and you must determine your actions prior to issues surfacing. It would be natural to side with the employee who produces more or has tenure vs. a new or unproductive employee. However,...


  By Barb Bruno  |    Tue Nov 12, 2013

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Recruiting

It is important for you to continually upgrade and attract new clients. Most individuals in our profession generate 75% of their sales from less than five clients. That is not recession proof and could lead to inconsistent sales and profits. Before you implement the seven most overlooked tips, conduct revenue modeling...

Q&A with Bethany Perkins, HR Manager at Software Advice

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Oct 03, 2013

Category: Columns

We recently caught an article by Software Advice , a company that connects businesses with software vendors, that highlights the hiring strategy they call “finding diamonds in the rough .” This strategy places more weight on natural talent than past experience. Their company has no problem hiring bartenders, servers...


  By Barb Bruno  |    Thu Aug 01, 2013

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Recruiting

Never forget you are in business to make profits not to provide free advice or jobs for the people who work for you. If you are not profitable you are jeopardizing the future of your business. Listed below are steps you can take that will have a positive impact on...

Why your Clients Are Not Returning Your Calls

  By Frank Risalvato  |    Thu Mar 07, 2013

Category: Columns, Expert Advice

I just had a friendly email exchange with a former insurance company executive who was Senior Vice President of operations of a publicly traded company based on the Northeast. For years I’d call him and leave messages. And for years, he’d completely ignore me. Now all of a sudden, having changed his...


  By Barb Bruno  |    Thu Dec 27, 2012

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Recruiting

The recruiting profession is extremely time intensive. If your business is to flourish, your employees are not working a normal forty-hour work week. If you are a working owner, you have three full-time jobs: Business Owner Manager Producer When you review your schedule, chances are you are spending the majority of your time working...

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