
Just Ask Judy Best Staffing and Recruiting magazine

Simply put, EMinfo has been the best resource for staffing and recruiting professionals looking for ideas to grow their business

A B Christie Christie & Christie

Tish is certainly an interesting and accomplished person. I enjoyed very much her presentation and subject matter. More webinars with people of her calibre would be welcome!

Henry Glickel Sales Recruiters

EMInfo. Love the new site. The changes have made the navigation of the topics and features you offer easier to get to. BrainScanMedia and Tom and Joshua have really wowed me. Pat has created a very searchable and useful website and recruiting resource.

Terri Jacobson St. Louis MO

Quote from an attendee at a MKSSA Conference; “ It was a great opportunity to share ideas with other staffing owners during the breakout sessions and learn what other organizations are doing. I was surprised how open everyone was in discussing their challenges.” ~ EMinfo supports the Recruiting and Staffing Industry Associations and Conferences. Encouraging all to attend.

Terri Jacobson~ St. Louis, MO

Thanks for hosting the Make It Rain Webinars. I thought it was a good event!

Jon Bartos Quincy, KY

EMinfo is a great organization. They deliver good content every month with top thought leaders contributing.


Pat, you do a great job for our industry with EMinfo. Thanks for sending it to me.

Cody ~ NY

Love your EMinfo magazine. Eminfo has a great series of articles each month.