Breakthrough! 2.0 ~ a poem

  By Steve Finkel  |    Monday August 28, 2023

Category: Recruiting


A little humor to lighten your recruiting day….

A Recruiter Born to Win! working a desk….

 “Truth shines the brighter clad in verse.”

John Keats

This poem was written in response to one published in a past Fordyce Letter, in which the client was compared to a Hammer and the recruiter to a Nail.


There’s a poem in the June issue,

About the Hammer and the Nail.

Perhaps I’ve felt that way myself

In the days when I would fail.


It seemed the clients were not honest;

They set out to cheat and rob.

Today, I know the problem was

I didn’t know my job.


My God! The fees that I have lost!

I wish I had them now.

Success was there beyond my grasp,

But I just did not know how.


It is a different scene today

From the “Hammer-Nail” grotesque.

I win! I’ve really learned my craft.

I’m a man who works a desk.


See, I can find ‘most anyone.

I solve the client’s trouble.

And if he’s really in some pain,

Why, my fees are only double!


I never quit; I never fail;

I never bend my will.

And today the clients worship

At the altar of my skill.


Oh, sure, some try to hustle me,

But I’ve been there before.

And I know the stink of carrion

And I know when I can soar.


Long years of battle, some I’ve won,

Some lost, but always fought.

But afterwards, by night or dawn,

I’ve analyzed and thought.


And learned! Not only on my own,

But by audio and book.

You may be smart, but there’s a lot

You cannot overlook.


The knowledge taught by others

Will save you from defeat.

Too smart to learn? Then you will lose.

You simply can’t compete.


But the years yield up their secrets

When combined with work and thought.

And now I know the answers,

Though dearly they were bought.


Let a client broach a problem

About a candidate to me.

I’ll deal with it; it’s what I do.

My reward shall be the fee.


And if a candidate should stall

About my client whom he’s met,

He’ll go to work; he will accept.

He just doesn’t know it yet.


In-house Recruiters? Don't make me laugh!

They don’t know what I have learned.

No one can do what I can do

For a third of what I earn.


The Internet? I’m not HR!

That’s what the others do.

I can recruit!  I find the Best!

My clients know it, too.


I’ve got a secret of my own.

Part of it’s my will.

But the magic core that really flies

Is the carpet of my skill.


I’ve learned my job! I always know

I’m equal to the test.

At last! At last! I’m born to win!

I’m a man who works a desk!

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