About Sue Bhatia

Early-on in her career, Sue Bhatia, founder and chairwoman of Rose International, realized that if she stayed on her current professional path as a systems analyst, it would take her 30 years to achieve her goals. Identifying a need in the marketplace to offer consulting services that would improve the procurement and delivery process for companies outsourcing solutions, and following her entrepreneurial instincts, Sue discussed with her husband how long they could pay the mortgage and bills without her salary contribution (6 months). After quitting her job as a systems analyst, Sue launched Rose International 25 years ago from in the basement of her home, with one desk and a phone. On her first day as an entrepreneur, Sue cold-called potential customers and reached out to her network. Many people told her she would fail (backing up the statement with “most businesses do”), and many did not respond positively to her Indian accent. Within six months, Sue’s husband had to leave his job to join her company. Within another six months, Sue’s former boss had to leave his job and join her company. Rose International has been on a tremendous growth trajectory since. Now the largest workforce and technology solutions company in St Louis, MO, Rose International hired 10,000 people in 2017 and serves 150 of the Fortune 500 companies in the US. The company has offices and development centers in 20 U.S. cities and New Delhi, India.


Ahhh Spring has arrived…. How Connecting with Nature Can Make You More Successful at Work

  By Sue Bhatia  |    Thu Mar 28, 2024

Category: Expert Advice, Motivational, Productivity

Embracing the natural environment is important for your well-being and success. We all work hard because we have an internal desire to succeed. If you want to boost your level of personal success and jumpstart your productivity at work, it is crucial for you to take time to connect with nature....

Redefining Your Skills to Stay Ahead of Artificial Intelligence

  By Sue Bhatia  |    Mon Mar 11, 2019

Category: Columns, Expert Advice

Don’t be Intimidated Are you worried about losing your job to artificial intelligence? The future jobs’ forecast is far from doom and gloom. In fact, while the Technological Revolution eliminates some jobs, it’s also adding quality jobs; creating a better lifestyle for employees. Improvements in Work Environment and Safety The threat...

Advice from Himanshu Bhatia- Confidence Helps Build the Path to Success

  By Sue Bhatia  |    Mon Feb 11, 2019

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Motivational

You’ve finally landed that new job you’ve been working toward, and you’re now passed the point of feeling like you’ll jinx yourself by sharing the good news with family and friends. Not bragging about your accomplishments is a sign of humility; a great quality to bring with you to your...

The Formula for Success is Calculated in the Present

  By Sue Bhatia  |    Wed Jan 02, 2019

Category: Expert Advice, Motivational

Life is not happening to you, it’s happening for you! Did you realize one of the best ways to ensure a successful future is to stop focusing on it? That, of course, doesn’t imply you shouldn’t be planning for the future. However, always thinking about it won’t help you become...

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