About Terri Roeslmeier

Terri Roeslmeier is President of Automated Business Designs, Inc., software developer of Ultra-Staff software for the staffing and direct hire industry. Ultra-Staff is a full-featured business solution with components for front office, back office, mobile and web suite. For more information on Ultra-Staff go to www.abd.net.


Let’s Talk!

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Mon Nov 12, 2018

Category: Expert Advice, Technology

I just returned from ASA Staffing World and will soon be departing for the NAPS 2018 National Conference in Florida. I used to dread going to these things as an exhibitor. Between the travel, time out of the office and long days it was generally not something I really looked...

Woman Owned

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Tue Sep 25, 2018

Category: Expert Advice

We have been a woman-owned entrepreneurial business for 35 years! It is hard to believe that our 35th Anniversary was being celebrated last Fall. When I started a software development company in the 1980’s, I actually tried to hide the fact that we were woman-owned. Not only was...

Why Johnny Can't Sell

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Tue May 01, 2018

Category: Columns, Expert Advice

All of the boxes were checked: good education, personable, impressive resume, professional and fairly solid work history. Couple short stints were bad luck layoffs or poor career choices that dictated a quick change. No one would expect someone to stay at a job if they were miserable. Everything started out fine. ...

Everyone Loves a Gross Margin

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Mon Feb 26, 2018

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Recruiting, Technology

What would we do without the good old Gross Margin Report? It is a handy guide that helps analyze our staffing firm’s profitability and forecast future revenue. It is a very important tool if checked regularly because the information can help us make adjustments to ensure good profitability. Gross revenue...

8 Ways to Avoid Being Hacked

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Tue Jan 30, 2018

Category: Expert Advice, Technology

I have been involved in providing automated solutions for companies for years. I have prepared detailed presentations and have spoken at events, repetitively warning clients and our staff how to avoid being hacked. Yet, a couple of weeks ago I came seconds close to being a victim myself! What happened? I...

The Smart Office

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Fri Sep 29, 2017

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Productivity

Statistics reveal that almost 30% of an average lifetime is spent at work. In daily terms, time at work equates to approximately 50% of your waking hours during a given workday. In view of that it’s pretty important that the time people spend in a workplace translate into value for...

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